Sīkdatnes nodrošina vietnes pienācīgu darbību Vairāk
Autors: Kārlis

Rocky returns. Rocky begins. Rocky forever.

Kino, Blogs    
Neticēsiet. Es arī neticēju.

Rocky Balboa (2006)

TupunTuries.lv saprātīgi IT risinājumi - vieta mājaslapām un e-pastiem →

Autors: Kārlis


Why do they bother?....

Labākā aktrise - Rēzija
Labakais aktieris - Artūrs Skrastiņš
Labakais režisors - Džilindžers

what else is new?...

Autors: Kārlis

Yo, homie!

Varbūt es palieku vecs? Varbūt vienkārši esmu normāls... bet šo kultūru es nesaprotu.

Autors: Kārlis


Kino, Blogs    
Flawless (1999)

Interesanti, kad anotācijā ziņo par filmu īstiem "kino gardēžiem", ir diezgan skaidrs, ka tas ir murgains mēsls par transvestītiem...

Nenoskatījos. Dzīve ir pārāk īsa.

Mierinu sevi ar domu, ka pat IMDB vērtejums nav nekāds izcilais.

Autors: Kārlis

Pārdod bērnu. Lēti

Es kaut ko nesaprotu. Pavisam nejauši sanāca dzirdēt fragmentu no Ainas (?) raidījuma. Kāda sieviete stāstīja par to kā gribējusi pārdot savu bērnu. No sākuma tas esot bijis joks, pēcāk arī ielikts sludinājums... pircēja vietā gan ieradusies policija. Vēl tur šādas tādas peripetijas, bet tagad, kā es sapratu [redzēju tikai fragmentu] bērns ir atkal pie šīs mātes, un tika cilāts jautājums, vai viņa kādreiz atklās bērnam šo savu "afēru".

Am, bērns ir atkal pie mātes? Īsti nesapratu. Viņa gribēja viņu pārdot, bet tagad ir labojusies? Sapratusi kļūdu un turpmāk dzīvos kā kārtīgai mātei ar bērnu pieklājas? Šādus cilvēkus vispār uz vietas nošaut vajadzētu! Ok, es saprotu, grūti laiki un nedodies mums saprast ko nozīmē iztikt ar pieciem latiem mēnesī, bet nu, ja tu nespēj uzturēt to bērnu, galu galā ir taču bērnu nami un ir ģimenes kas ir gatavas adoptēt.

Nu labi, iekarsu. Cerēsim ka es visu pārpratu, un ka bērns tomēr nav atgriezts pie "mātes".

Autors: Kārlis

Ir jāprot aiziet

Žēl. Baigi žēl kad sliktas lietas notiek ar labiem cilvēkiem. Un žēl, ka labi cilvēki nesaprot kad un kā ir jāaiziet. Nesmukums sanācis Maiklam Ričardsam. Tam pašam Cosmo Kramer no Seinfelda. Pēc Seinfeld seriāla beigām aš desmit gadus atpakaļ, viņš tā arī nekur tālāk nav ticis. Ne filmās, ne seriālos. Nekur. Mēģināja šo un to, bet neiet tā lieta. Joprojām laiku pa laikam viņš mēģina uzstādies stand-up lauciņā. Nu nav. Mēs visi mīlam Kreimeru, bet diemžēl Maikls Ričards NAV Kreimers. Reizēm nervi netur...

Vajadzēja viņam to saprast jau sen, un mest mieru. V

Autors: Kārlis

Olegas ir sūnus

Vakar gadījās būt lidostā, aiz gara laika apstaigāju visus auto īres kantorus kad negaidīti uzgāju vienu jaunu, saucās Ollex. Izklausās ļoti neārzemnieciski, tāpēc pievērsu uzmanību vairāk. Jā, protams, jau atkal leiši! UAB "Olegas ir sūnus".

Es nesaprotu, vai tiešām latvieši ir tik stulbi un slinki, ka paši neko nejēdz? Nu jau ar abu roku pirkstiem nepietiks, lai saskaitītu cik lielie biznesi Latvijā ir nonākuši leišu rokās. Lielveikali, pārtika, datorveikali, mēbeles, autoveikali, auto īres un vēl vesela jūra citu. Nu kāpēc - kāpēc viņi var, bet mēs paši nē? Drīz laikam Lietuvos Bankas arī izkonkurēs Hanzeni un SEBu... Kaut kāds absurds.
Un ko mēs spējam? Vienīgie latvieši Lietuvā ir šķiet Drogas. Un tie paši vairs nav latvieši, bet honkongieši.

Autors: Kārlis

A man piekāst

"Nesmēķēt desmit metrus no kurienes?... Nu bet man taču piekāst! Man tas ir ne tikai vienalga, es pat varu uzpūst savus dūmus virsū... Redz, cik es varens!"

Autors: Kārlis

My Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan

Vispār skarbi ar to Boratu. Ir jau protams tā, ka jebkura reklāma ir reklāma, bet lielākā daļa jau nemaz neaizdomājas.

My 'Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan'
By Gauhar Abdygaliyeva
Wednesday, November 8, 2006; Page A27

I'm a Muslim Kazakh woman who arrived in the United States two months ago to work on my master's in public administration. Almost every time I meet people and tell them where I come from, they ask me about the "Kazakh journalist" Borat, "the sixth most famous man" in Kazakhstan. I answer that Borat is a satirical fictional character who has nothing in common with Kazakhstan or its people.

Many of my new American friends find Borat's adventures in "US and A" hilarious and his remarks about my country amusing. Unsurprisingly, not many of the people of Kazakhstan are equally amused. So I want to tell you the inside story about Kazakhstan. And, to steal a line from Borat, please read my article, or I will be execute.

Kazakhstan is the world's ninth-largest country in land area. It is in Central Asia along the famous Silk Road, which once stretched from Venice to Beijing. We "walk on oil," but that's not the only thing we were blessed with. Our social and economic achievements in the past decade have been remarkable.

But I would rather speak of my people. I am in my mid-20s and am myself a good example of what today's Kazakhstan is about. I was the first of three children born to an average Soviet family in the year of the Moscow Olympic Games and the Oscar-winning movie "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears." My dad worked at the Space Research Institute of the Kazakh Academy of Sciences, while my mom taught computer science at the National Technical University. The tradition of education in my family, which led me to degrees in international law and business administration and now has brought me to this country, is strong in Kazakhstan. That is why its people are among the most educated in the world and have a 98 percent literacy rate.

Borat says women can now ride "inside of bus" in Kazakhstan. Actually, men and women enjoy equal opportunity, and our women are more likely to be driving the bus. Before arriving in the United States, I worked for the best local law firm and then a U.N. field mission, and I had a car and an apartment in Kazakhstan's capital, Astana.

People in Kazakhstan take pride in their ancestors, the nomadic Turkic tribes that managed to unite and retain a territory the size of Western Europe for centuries, despite their vulnerable location between the Chinese and Russian empires. For many years the mostly Sunni Muslim Kazakhs, first as part of the Russian empire and then the Soviet Union, welcomed Russians, Ukrainians, Germans, Koreans, Jews, Chechens and Uighurs to their land regardless of their religious beliefs. Those people either chose to come or were deported to Kazakhstan by the communists for various reasons. At different periods my country has been affected by wars, famine and repression.

With the breakup of the Soviet Union in 1991, the economic turmoil brought hardship. Many of my Russian, German, Korean and Jewish friends left for their historical homelands, but many others chose to stay and build a modern, thriving Kazakhstan together. Today those troubles are a thing of the past, and our people look to the future with great optimism.

The Kazakh flag Borat uses in the movie, with an eagle soaring in the blue sky under the sun, is our symbol of independence and pride. If your eyes have ever welled up when you saw the Stars and Stripes, you will understand how we feel about it.

The "moviefilm" by Sacha Baron Cohen, "Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan," is playing well in American theaters. One can only applaud the humorist's talent, but the movie is entertaining only because the world is so unfamiliar with reality.

Perhaps that will change. The movie has already created unprecedented interest in Kazakhstan. Not only has Borat promoted our name and flag, he has also indirectly fueled a great wave of patriotism among my fellow citizens.

Please take an opportunity to visit us one day and hear our real language, not Borat's:
"Kazakhstanga kosh keliniz!" — "Welcome to Kazakhstan!

Autors: Kārlis

Šitik litri!

Kāds ir lielākais degvielas patēriņš ko jums izdevies sasniegt? Man šāds. Vakardienas sastrēgumā (Kas ir atsevišķs stāsts, kuru es nestāstīšu, jo negribu tik daudz rupjību šeit rakstīt).

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